PHIL 3050 Judaism and Religious Diversity
Time: Mon-Wed, 2:00-3:20 pm
Location: Wh 117
Instructor: Rabbi Jordan Parr

PHIL 3540 Judaism and Philosophy
Time: Tue-Thu, 2:00-3:20 pm
Location: Env 120 
Instructor: Dr. Martin Yaffe

HIST 3308 Ancient Israel
Time: Mon-Wed-Fri, 1:00-1:50pm
Location: Wh 112
Instructor: Dr. Walter Roberts

HIST 3620 Nazism: Symbolism and Archaeology
Time: Tue-Thu, 11:00-12:30pm
Location: Wh 115
Instructor: Dr. Zoe Ortiz
HIST 4070 World War II: European Theater
Time: Mon-Wed, 3:30-4:50pm
Location: Wh 115
Instructor: Dr. Vojin Majstorovic

HIST 4435 American Jewish Experience
Time: Mon-Wed-Fri, 11:00-11:50am
Location: Wh 115
Instructor: Dr. Kerry Goldmann

ENGL 3370 The Bible as Literature 
Time: Tue-Thu, 3:30-4:50pm
Location: Lang 201
Instructor: Dr. Robert Upchurch

THEA 4260 History of the Broadway Musical
Time: Fri, 1:00-3:40pm
Location: Rtfp 127
Instructor: Dr. Lisa Devine

THEA 4395 Theatre and the Holocaust
Time: Fri, 9:00-11:50am
Location: Rtfp 127
Instructor: Dr. Lisa Devine